Welcome To Rochester NY

  • Rochester NY North Goodman Street and East Main Street Monroe County NY!
  • Rochester New York Photo, Main Street Hungerford Building CSX Railroad
  • East Main Street Rochester NY New York CSX Railroad Image,  Monroe County NY!
Webcam 1 Webcam 2 Webcam 3

Rochester NY Radio Stations 2015 Update

Written by Ron Morales on June 1st, 2015
Rochester, NY

I am addicted to the radio. I have been a radio addict since first grade, when I tore the transistor radio out of the belly of my sister's toy stuffed dog. 50 years later, I still own a pocket AM/FM radio that I use daily. But, thanks to the internet, I often have a major league baseball game, talk radio, and jazz music, playing as a mashup. Rochester, NY is a great radio town, with a long history with ties to George Eastman, a topic I will post more about in the future. A taste of that Rochester radio history is found on this page, in the photo on the right and videos [Read More...]

Postcard Rochester Radio City Rochester, NY
Photo: Rochester Radio City. It housed WHAM, WHFM (Rochester's first FM station) and WHAM-TV, Rochester's first television station, which began airing in 1949. Credit: Rochester Public Library

Rochester NY Webcams 2015 Update

Written by Ron Morales on January 15th, 2015
Rochester, NY

In the beginning, the late 90's, RocPic.Com featured one web camera showing the lift bridge in Fairport, NY. This update is the first one in a long time that puts a focus on indexing the many webcams located around Rochester, NY. As of this writing, there are 30 webcams on two pages providing a snapshot of Rochester weather. The 15 DOT Live Streams offer a share button, and a return link to the webcams page. The other webcams offer more detailed information that varies from cam to cam based on available access to the image. [Read More...]

Photo: Most recent image WHEC TV Rochester NY webcam

Week #2 Super Sunday Soul Jam at Flour City Station

Written by Ron Morales on September 14th, 2014
Rochester, NY

Another episode of Super Sunday Soul Jam has been added to the collection on RocPic.Com - Week 2, Season 2 of open mic with Mitty and the Followers at Flour City Station, is now online for your information, listening, and viewing pleasure. Season 2 picks up where season 1 left off, making for what I say is the best party in Rochester, NY on a Sunday afternoon (4pm - 8pm) .

Photo: "On Broadway" Opening Week 2 Season 2 of the SSSJ

I am touting this new publication as my prettiest yet utilization of Responsive Web Design (RWD) making these pages Smartphone, Tablet, and Desktop friendly. All images and videos on this new story will expand and contract as you adjust the size of your web browser. If you are on a smartphone or tablet, everything will line up in a single column, for that just right fit. [Read More...]

The sample video below "On Broadway" is the opening song for Week 2, Season 2, of the Super Sunday Soul Jam. Follow this link Super Sunday Soul Jam September 14th, 2014 for all 9 videos and 200 photos.

Uncensored Dual Twitter Feeds For Every #NFL Team

Written by Ron Morales on September 10th, 2014
Rochester, NY

Bringing every #NFL team's Twitter feed to your computer, tablet, or smartphone - dual feeds, one with the #TeamName and the other feed is a list of writers covering your favorite team. Also, on every team's page are a number of links configured to search Google for images and videos of your team over a variety of time frames. Finally, three columns of news delivered via RSS feeds, covering your team, the NFL, and Sports. The Twitter feeds are uncensored, and the images are set to expand automatically, see your favorite NFL team like never before.

Uncensored Dual Twitter Feeds Every #NFL Team

Super Sunday Soul Jam at Flour City Station

Written by Ron Morales on September 7th, 2014
Rochester, NY

It is the return of the Super Sunday Soul Jam Season 2 of open mic with host Mitty Moore of Mitty and the Followers, now at the brand new Flour City Station, 170 East Avenue, Rochester, NY. " Showcasing Rochester's local music scene, a national music presence and a rotating showing of local art, Flour City Station provides a much needed medium for artists and musicians to connect with the public. "

Photo: Musicians in "The Big Finish" Super Sunday Soul Jam

Here are some of the people you will find in the photos and videos on this page: Aaron Winters, Al Ritondale, Alex F. Catino, Austin Ritondale, Becky Jo Hendley, Bobby Blackwolf Spencer, Brian Van Tosh, Buzzo, Buzzo Bruno, Casey Lynn Learch, Cathy Edwards, Chris Beard, Chris Vandenbos, Dan McAndrew, Darcy Catino, Dean Channing Harpster, Diana Mae, Doug and Kate Egling, Emily Champion, [Read More...]

The sample video below is the opening segment, Season 2 of the Super Sunday Soul Jam. Follow this link Super Sunday Soul Jam September 7th, 2014 for all 8 videos and 350 photos

Northeast Funk at Lovin' Cup Rochester, NY

Written by Ron Morales on August 9th, 2014
Rochester, NY

As a fan of the local ROC music scene, I am becoming more fond of the Lovin' Cup . It's a fantastic club / restaurant brimming with visual art and live music. I work 3rd shift and weekends starting 11pm, so I shoot most of my bands at daytime festivals, or clubs close to downtown Rochester, NY where I work.

I get lots of invites to shoot bands at the Lovin' Cup, every now and then the planets line up and I'll shoot a show and go to work a little bit late. Such was the case Saturday, July 19th, 2014. Having been invited to shoot the band Northeast Funk (NEF), and being quite familiar with band members Drew Gansz and Doug Egling from seeing them at the open mic Super Sunday Soul Jam, the time seemed ripe to add another band to the list of bands I have shot after meeting them at some other happy event.

Photo: Northeast Funk at Lovin' Cup - Sheila Brooks, Lawrence Alan, Charles Davis, Drew Gansz, Doug Egling, Glenn Beard

I had seen all of the band members - Lady Shayla Brooks, Lawrence Alan, Charles Davis, Drew Gansz, Doug Egling, Glenn Beard at the Super Sunday Soul Jam, but Drew and Doug are at the Jam almost every week, so I was most familiar with them and their playing styles.

I think it's worth mentioning that guitar player Drew Gansz is only 16 years old, and often shares a stage with Joe Beard, and yes, Glenn Beard is related to Joe. Also, sax is my favorite instrument, so I'm pretty motivated to shoot a band that has a sax-man such as Doug Egling. [Read More...]

The sample video below features Northeast Funk performing "Square Biz" Follow this link Northeast Funk at Lovin' Cup for all 13 videos and 62 photos

The Show on Monroe - Spokes & Ink

Written by Ron Morales on August 8th, 2014
Rochester, NY

I often tell people, "You would have to set yourself on fire to get noticed on Monroe Avenue" so usual is the unusual on Monroe Ave., where everything that is different converges and becomes the norm. On Saturday, June 7th of 2014, at least four separate events were held simultaneously on Monroe Avenue. 1. The Show on Monroe 2. Spokes & Ink 3. The Scavenue Hunt 4. An unidentified scavenger hunt featuring joggers in costumes. This flood of activities rendered the usual freak show a tourist attraction with too much fun and not enough time to take it all in.

Photo: Buskers at The Show on Monroe 2014.

While at The Show on Monroe, I shot pictures and video, mainly focusing on the street musicians, as is my norm. You will also see a good sampling in photos of the other activities mixed in with musicians (buskers) on every street corner. There are 160 photos, and about a dozen videos (videos exclusively seen on RocPic.Com), that will give you a good look at some of the sights and sounds I was able to take in that day [Read More...]

The sample video below features Dana Castronova. Follow this link The Show on Monroe - Spokes & Ink 2014 for all 12 videos and 160 photos

Dana Castronova from RocPic.Com on Vimeo.

New Look on RocPic.Com? "Responsive Web Design"

Written by Ron Morales on August 8th, 2014
Rochester, NY

"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue..." would be a good way to describe the changes happening at RocPic.Com . Still home of the "Good ROC" here in Rochester, NY aka the 585. I have been publishing photos, videos, and webcam images on this website for over 10 years, and it is taking a bit of compromise to marry the old format of web design with the new. While the new design utilizes Responsive Web Design (RWD), allowing the webpage to fit on any device, be it a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer, I had to retain elements of the old format to display the webcams on various pages of this site.

If you are on a desktop computer, you should see the Roc-Media Twitter feed (compiled by Rachel Barnhart) in a column on the right side of this screen, if not, make your web browser wider, you should have a similar view on a tablet. If you are using a smartphone, or if you make the page narrow, every item on this page will line up in a single column for you to scroll through. [Read More...]

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