Rochester NY Live! by RocPic.Com

Sunday, Feb 28th, 4:30pm - 8:30pm Super Sunday Soul Jam

Kirkpatrick Irish Pub & Grill 37 Charlotte St, Rochester, NY 423-9964

Super Sunday Soul Jam Live Stream on my RocPic YouTube account

Important! Disregard the "This stream is OFFLINE" message when you start the video player, and click on the photo that is in the center of the video player. The photo will say something like "Ron Morales is streaming live now" .

Battery changed about once per hour - Refresh [ F5 ] page if not live and click the start button again.

Next event Sunday, Feb 28th, 4:30pm - 8:30pm Super Sunday Soul Jam

Facebook Event - Super Sunday Soul Jam Feb 28th, 2016

Welcome to RocPic.Com/Live ! Starting in October of 2015 I will be broadcasting live video of events such as: news worthy items, local bands, other random sightings from in and around the Rochester, NY area.

Always refresh this page on each visit (by pressing the [ F5 ] key on your keyboard) to be sure it loads the most recent video. If you are here to see a scheduled event, the name of your event, the date and time should be visible on this page, if you do not see that info, refresh this page.

This is emerging technology - at least for me it is - made possible by broadcasting using an LG G4 smartphone that sends the live video stream directly to my YouTube account, where it is saved when the live event ends.

RocPic Live Stream on YouTube
Super Sunday Soul Jam - Facebook

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Copyright © 2016 Ronald Robert Morales All Rights Reserved.