Super Sunday Soul Jam at Flour City Station

Photos & Videos by Ron Morales September 7th, 2014
Rochester, NY

It is the return of the Super Sunday Soul Jam Season 2 of open mic with host Mitty Moore of Mitty and the Followers, now at the brand new Flour City Station, 170 East Avenue, Rochester, NY. "Showcasing Rochester's local music scene, a national music presence and a rotating showing of local art, Flour City Station provides a much needed medium for artists and musicians to connect with the public."

Here are some of the people you will find in the photos and videos on this page: Aaron Winters, Al Ritondale, Alex F. Catino, Austin Ritondale, Becky Jo Hendley, Bobby Blackwolf Spencer, Brian Van Tosh, Buzzo, Buzzo Bruno, Casey Lynn Learch, Cathy Edwards, Chris Beard, Chris Vandenbos, Dan McAndrew, Darcy Catino, Dean Channing Harpster, Diana Mae, Doug and Kate Egling, Emily Champion, Fatima Razic, George Calvaughn Austin, Greg Cole, James Catino, Jed Wilson, Jeff Hobbs, Jeff Hobbs Jr., Jim Greco, Joe Andrew, Joe Joevenelli, Jonathan Tucker, Justin Gurnsey, Keith Stevens, Kimberly Scheurer, Lisa Schmidt, Marita Ferre, Mark O'Donnell, Matt Green, Meg Williams, Mitty Moore, Miz Mo, Nate Anderson, Patti Dillman, Paul Lindsley, Renee Anderson, Ron Trip Edwards, Ryan Patrick, Sherrie Ritondale, Steve Lyons, Steve Tortoretti, Steven Feder, Teressa Wilcox, Street Willie, sound by Kevin Santoro.

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Opening of Season 2 of the Super Sunday Soul Jam

Video Playlist Super Sunday Soul Jam September 7th, 2014

Photos 1 of 4 Super Sunday Soul Jam September 7th, 2014

Photos 2 of 4 Super Sunday Soul Jam September 7th, 2014

Photos 3 of 4 Super Sunday Soul Jam September 7th, 2014

Photos 4 of 4 Super Sunday Soul Jam September 7th, 2014

Photos 1 of 2 Super Sunday Soul Jam September 7th, 2014

Photos 2 of 2 Super Sunday Soul Jam September 7th, 2014

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