RocPic.Com Is The Most Interesting ROC In All Of Cyberspace
Happy New Year 2013 Rochester, NY!
Turning the page! Welcome to 2013 in Rochester, NY on RocPic.Com . There have been many changes here over the last 2 years as I have transitioned from the year 2000 HTML version of this site into the 2013 CSS version of RocPic.Com . You can get the top Rochester, NY News headlines from around the world here. You can listen to every online Rochester, NY Radio station and click on the links for their official web sites, Twitter accounts and FaceBook pages. Every News, Talk, Sports, and Music station has been indexed, and there are also links for Police, Fire, Weather, Airport radio feeds. You can watch the Weather, listen to the weather radio, read the National Weather Service Forecast, view multiple time stamped weather radar feeds, view weather info from multiple sources updated by RSS feeds, all right here on RocPic.Com . The Webcam page now features all the controls for the RocPic.Com webcams, plus more than a half dozen instant replay cameras that show the previous 24 hours weather from around Rochester, NY. Those webcams include the Rochester Falcon webcams, an Erie Canal webcam, the Webster Fire Dept., Quail Run in Greece, NY, Crystal Springs, NY, and a view from the library in Liverpool / Syracuse, NY. I have added a page that features the ROC International Airport webcam. There have been hundreds photos and videos added to the RocPic.Com Photo and Video pages going back to 2001 & soon to include videos from 2013 . Some of the musicians & bands you will find on the video and photo pages include: The Buddhahood, John Payton Project, Suzi Willpower, Kristen Maxfield, Teressa Wilcox, Tommy Brunett, AudioInFlux, The Skycoasters, Springer, MoChester, Family Dawgz, Campbell Brothers, Violet Mary, Mitty & The Followers, Subsoil, Sisters of Murphy, The Bob Squad, Mecca Bodega, Tim Heron Corp., Run For The Roses, Todd East, Chet Catallo, Me & The Boyz, Fire Wheel, Roots Collider, Katie Ernst winner of City Newspaper's Best Busker 2011, Washboard Dave winner of City Newspaper's Best Busker 2012, plus 28 other buskers from both years, the Beale Street Blues Band, Thunder Body, Jatoba, The Deep Blue Dream, The Suzi Litho Trio, Reggae Resistance, The last ever videos from the East End Music Festival, The last ever Christmas at Midtown Plaza, Saint Patricks Day Parades, Memorial Day Parades, Lilac Festival Parade, all pretty much mirrored by pictures on the RocPic.Com Photos page, and yes, many more images and videos of Rochester.
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John Payton Project - Round Mound Of Sound - Dino BBQ 2012 Rochester NY
The John Payton Project live at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que in Rochester, NY performing "Round Mound Of Sound" a tribute to the late great Tony Cavagnaro. With Bobby Olson - Guitar, John Payton - Drum Kit, Mike Reid - Bass, Jim Versprille - Percussion, and Andrew Bellavia - Woodwinds, Keys
Subsoil - 1 of 4 East End Music Festival July 2012 Rochester NY
Subsoil - 2 of 4 East End Music Festival July 2012 Rochester NY
Subsoil - 3 of 4 East End Music Festival July 2012 Rochester NY
Subsoil - 4 of 4 East End Music Festival July 2012 Rochester NY
Buddhahood - Temptress Eyes - WedgeStock 2012 Rochester NY
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The Buddhahood - Zydeco - WedgeStock 2012 Rochester NY
Video: The Buddhahood TheBuddhahood.Com perform "Zydeco" the final song of their 13 song set at WedgeStock 2012 WedgeStock.Org on the streets, South Ave Rochester NY celebrating the South Wedge.
AudioInFlux - East End Music Festival July 2012 Rocheter NY
Springer - East End Music Festival July 2012 Rochester NY
Sisters Of Murphy 1 of 3 East End Music Festival July 2012 Rochester NY
Sisters Of Murphy 2 of 3 East End Music Festival July 2012 Rochester NY
Sisters Of Murphy 3 of 3 East End Music Festival July 2012 Rochester NY
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Teressa Wilcox Band - Under Control - Dinosaur BBQ 2012 Rochester NY
Video: The Teressa Wilcox Band TeressaWilcox.Net performing "Under Control" live at the Dinosaur BBQ DinosaurBarbque.Com Rochester, NY on December 26th, 2012. With Lou Spezio - Keyboards, Paul Jr Spezio - Horns, Teressa Wilcox - Guitar, Matthew Ramerman - Drums, Nate Coffey - Bass, Herb Heins - Guitar